During the month of June, all money raised
from any of CREEK AND KILLS
recordings or merch will go to:
Black Visions Collective
and Women for Political Change www.womenforpoliticalchange.org
Both organizations are doing incredible work fighting racism, patriarchy, white supremacy, xenophobia, homophobia, transphobia, and classism in the Twin Cities and beyond. Let's help them to make lasting change for the better!
We're releasing our new single, "Unstitching," today as a part of our fundraising push to raise money to support anti-racist resistance.
You can see the video for "Unstitching" (beautifully edited by our drummer, Erin!) here:
We wrote and recorded "Unstitching" during the COVID quarantine, each of us working separately, sending files back and forth. I learned how to use Garage Band, Erin learned how to use MIDI drums, and Marc did the mixing/editing with us over video conference. Now that we're back in a space together (in masks), we're loving to get to play this new song as a band in real time.
If you'd like to buy the new single and help us to support the cause, go to the Creek and Kills bandcamp page: https://creekandkills.bandcamp.com/
Special June Dates:
Friday June 5th--"Unstitching" release date and NO BANDCAMP fees--all CREEK AND KILLS sales on bandcamp will go to Black Visions Collective and Women for Political Change
Friday June 19th--All bandcamp fees will go to the NAACP Legal Defense Fund and all CREEK AND KILLS sales on bandcamp will go to Black Visions Collective and Women for Political Change
Every other day in June...any money we take in for recordings or merch will go to Black Visions Collective and Women for Political Change
Strength and love to you...thank you! xoK