Sunday, January 20, 2019

BLACKED OUT Reading at The Artist Co-op, Mon 1/21 (MLK Day)

I'm honored that the Artist Co-op is featuring my play Blacked Out as a part of their Cold Reading Series, tomorrow night, Mon. January 21st, 6:30pm.

The Artist Co-op is at 500 West 52nd Street, and the reading will be in Studio 1.

Blacked Out is a journey through four New York City blackouts, spanning forty years of history and an imagined future, exploring how black/white racial relations have both changed and stayed the same.  The play seeks to ask how much Americans have really learned from our history, and if we’re making enough progress against racism and income inequality, considering the many other challenges predicted for the 21st century.

I can't wait to hear people's thoughts on the play!  It's a special way to celebrate MLK Day, I think.
Would love to see folks there, if you'd like to join us!

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